Green Technology And Climate Change
The role of Green technology as a fundamental driving force for growth and development has long been recognized. As such, green energy is clearly understood as a key aspect of our ability to successfully mitigate and adapt to Climate Change. Therefore, promoting the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies is at the center of the ongoing both local and international discussions on how to meet the Climate Change challenge set goals.
The funding, usage and studies on the impact of green technology has been at the center of our service delivery. We provide services that have assisted development players to engage in funding business ideas based on low cost, clean energy and solutions that help small holder farmers and households adapt to climate change. The focus is to catalyze private sector investment and innovation in low cost, clean energy and climate change technologies. The overall driving forces are the business ideas must show an environmental benefit and that it must demonstrate a positive impact on the rural poor through increased incomes, employment and productivity or reduced costs.